Aaah, the holidays. Family, food, frivolity, and no auditions.
Nothing is shooting. Casting is on vacation. Agencies are shutting down for the year. It can make you lose your mind if you let it. But there is a silver lining...
Pilot season is right around the corner. Come January, you are going to want every part of your career to be firing on all cylinders. If Luck = Preparation + Opportunity, December is your chance to prepare for January's opportunity explosion.
So what should you be doing?
- Update, update, update
Check your resume. Check every actor website you belong to. Google yourself and find websites you didn't know you were on. Proofread everything. Make sure they all have your most current credits, contact information, representation, video clips, photos, measurements, press, etc. Eliminate any potential obstacle to someone calling you in when things pick up.
- Refresh your headshots
Have you been meaning to get a new pic or three? Do it now. Not quite ready? Get ready. Research photographers, ask friends & family to contribute to your headshot fund as a holiday gift, take advantage of sales to get some wardrobe that make you pop… And then go for it. Rip off the bandaid. Book the session.
- Watch what's happening
Most networks have made at least one round of adjustments to the lineups that started in the fall, and there are lots of places to find that info. Watch clips of everything. Go to the movies. Catch up on the movies you missed earlier in the year. Take notes on which shows/movies you liked. (Feeling extra industrious? Find out who cast the ones you liked. Have you met or read for those people? Nos go on your target list... Yesses get an 'I love your work' holiday card!)
Goodness, you have a lot to do all of a sudden. Thank christmas it's slow! Now get crackin'!